Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Visit to Hong Kong (part 7)

The temples of Hong Kong combine aspects of Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. 

Some of the Taoist gods are pretty vicious, scary characters.

There are always the 12 animals of the 12 years of the Chinese Zodiak Calendar. 
This one is the OX.

Chris wishes to be allowed to grow eyebrows to compete with those of this Taoist god.

Park foliage made into the shape of Yin and Yang:

There are plenty of combination-animals, like this Lion-Turtle.

The real turtles were active and fun to watch.
Click here to see the turtles swimming.

Traditional  "raked sand"  garden
Lotus flowers always remind me of  dear Heidi.

There are plenty of fortune-telling stalls in (or near) the temples. 

This "strip" advertised
201 fortune-telling stalls.

Hong Kong is the first city in China in which we've seen actual Christian churches.....not just memorials or churches built specifically for wedding ceremonies.

Sculpted foliage animals remind us of the incredible projects made in 2008, for the Beijing Olympics.

Hong Kong is a clean, beautiful city, catering to tourism.  Temples among skyscrapers continue to amaze us.

Now, thanks to Sanwa, we have many new friends in Hong Kong. 

A-Kay, lighting incense:

Since early childhood, we had read
on items in the stores. 
(Now most items say
"MADE  IN  CHINA", instead.)

It was fun to see the port of the famous, historic city.

We've seen these same  arm-waving cats on 
4 continents:

(Have never, and will never, ever buy one!)

One more laugh at Chinese "guess-and-go" spelling:

February 4, and heading westward on this bus, along the south coast of China....

Good Bye,  Hong Kong

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