Sunday, April 3, 2011

Students and Chongqing City Life (part 8)

Chinese New Year and Spring Festival
 .....the biggest holiday of all, here.....
involves children receiving money in 
"Little Red Envelopes."   
Chris and Paula had brought brand-new, 2010 pennies, from America, for each of our 1400 students.  It was great fun to prepare and distribute the envelopes to all of our kids!!

Several of the students have since told us that they carry their "lucky" American penny with them at all times! 

We have not been able to get to know each-and-every-one of

1400 students personally, but the distribution of the red envelopes gave us a chance to talk briefly with each one individually, anyway.

Though only one holiday card sent from the U.S. (via snail-mail) actually made it to China, we did have a nice collection from students!!  

(By the way, the postal service here is marginal, with up to 62 days for delivery.  This makes us thankful for the internet!)

"The year of the RABBIT" 

Some of the ba-zillion lights decorating the shopping plaza across the street from our apartment:

There are always roller-bladers practicing at the shopping center.

To get to the shopping center, we walk over a side-walk over-pass.  This is the view.

Starbucks was passing out free samples to celebrate their 50th anniversary (I think.)  Caroline (from Chile) and Paula spend every Tuesday morning, drinking coffee and talking, in Starbucks.  On this particular day, Felipe (from Italy) came, too. 

One of our favorite places to eat is a nearby Sushi-Bar:

We love the vegetarian sea-weed wraps!


Hot-Pot continues to be a favorite with our teacher-friends.  Notice how each person has their own individual hot-pot, heated on a built-into-the-table heating element.

Often, Chinese food is beautifully displayed:

**though I didn't take a chance on whatever this may have been.......

Time with Melody is always fun.  
She likes Chris's banjo!

Alternative Medical Treatment
(view this photo only if you wish....) 


I'll keep the photo small.....Yes, this is my back.

I had thought about Chinese Acupuncture, to treat the "frozen shoulder" condition that has plagued me for years.  But, my Chinese friend thought that I should try the hot-cup-suction treatment instead.  The patient lies on a massage table, face down.  The therapist lights a cotton ball on fire, and then puts the fire up inside a glass cup (about the size of a baby-food jar.)  Next, she puts the cup on the patient's back....With the oxygen burned out of the cup, a strong vacuum has been created.  The patient's skin is sucked up into the cup, apparently breaking the surface capillaries.  
Hopefully my frozen shoulder will be much better now!!!

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