Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hot Springs Resorts of Chongqing (old and new)

Chongqing is known for HOT  SPRINGS  and SPAS.

The five of us rented this apartment for the day.
Qing loves her hammock on Sunday afternoons.
This was an old-style Hot Spring, with a mineral bath pool in our room.
All over China, this is how heavy things are carried.  This is a bong-bong man.
This was the most polluted water we've seen yet in China.  It was actually BLACK.

The Hot Spring Resorts all have plenty of   Mah Jong Tables.  This seems to be the national game of China, and is played with tiles, but is similar to playing rummy.  We found the coolest table EVER at this resort!!  You put the tiles down into a center hole in the table, and then the electric table automatically scrambles the tiles, re-stacks them into rows (correct side up), and sends the stacked tiles back up through the slots in the table.  Incredible! 

Another Hot Spring Resort:  Brand New
Senlin gave us entry passes to the big, fancy, new resort.  We had to take the motorcycle taxis to get there!

We spent our full 24 hours at the Hot Spring Resort.
Too dark for taking photos at night.....
We spent most of the night sleeping on the granite slabs, heated by the hot springs. We also had full body, foot-pinching, and "hot rock" massages.  Glorious!
It was like a big "Pajama Party", with hundreds of people, all wearing the same matching outfits: pajamas.

Really, quite fashionable!
The hot spring pools were each "flavored" differently.  This one was" Eucalyptus." There were 54 different flavored pools !!  We tried them all.
This pool was "Lavender."  Notice the wonderful foliage around each pool!
Some pools were partially covered.  Other popular water  flavors included:  Red wine, Licorice, Milk, Coffee, Green Tea, Ginseng, and Roses.
There were two pools with little fish that nibbled at any dead skin:  "Fish Treatment Pools."
It's fun, living in a Chinese city famous for its mountains and volcanic hot springs. 


  1. The Mahjong Table looked amazing. They also have a place where fish eat dead skin in Korea - they call it Dr. Fish! What was your favorite flavor pool?

  2. Looks like a great place to just relax and reconnect.
