Merry Christmas
to all of you, friends and family!!!! This posting will be in lieu of sending out any kind of Christmas letter or card this year. Perhaps you have been reading our blog, and are therefore well aware of our 2010 news and happenings! Life is good!
This is a giant bill-board from a building across the street. Christmas songs can be heard throughout the shopping complex. We sing along! | |
Our biggest news of 2010 is the birth of beautiful Baby Veronica, who is able to communicate regularly with us (in China) via computer skyping. |
This is our teeny-tiny, little, 12-inch-tall, pre-decorated, artificial Christmas tree.....
I take it to all the classes and share it while teaching the students the lyrics to favorite Christmas songs. Chris is using the season to show the movie: Polar Express, which has plenty of English conversation, entertainment value, and a great story-line.
Two of our students giggled uncontrollably out in the hallway, as they were (secretly) delivering this surprise Christmas card to our door.
Most of the students here are absolutely AWESOME ! |
Christmas oranges, from oranges I've ever tasted! |
The Chinese are definitely embracing the idea of Christmas......though probably because of the commercialization of the holiday. (We will not have even one day of vacation from school, for Christmas.)
**** Do notice the spelling on this banner. It is VERY common in China to see English words used in greetings, on signs, in menus, on posters, and on clothing, and yet spelled incorrectly......... then duplicated a ba-zillion times, as with this escalator-lined holiday greeting. Seems to us that, often, the Chinese are far too proud to ask a native English-speaker to proof-read their work for possible mistakes prior to publication. Fun to photograph!
We are having a great time over here in China, though missing so many of you incredibly! We wish you all a very
Merry Christmas
and a Happy, Happy, Happy New Year 2011.
Much love to all of you
from O Ping and O Fei (Paula and Chris Overholtzer)